Saturday 7 January 2012

Rainsongs and Painsongs - pt.10

Rainsongs and Painsongs is the new edition of YHO which can be downloaded as a pdf here, free for all. It is at heart a celebration of Julie Tippetts' work, very much inspired by her collaboration with Martin Archer on Tales of FiNiN which is undoubtedly the most rewarding record of recent times.
The title of this issue is adapted from words used in or as a title of songs by Julie. I love the words 'rainsong' and 'painsong'. Rain, oddly, intriguingly, seems to be a recurring motif in Julie's lyrics or poetry. If you look back 40 years to Lullaby from the 1969 set this deceptively simple and beautiful song, which is just Julie with Brian Godding on guitar, is about sitting watch the rain fall through a window and feeling warm and cosy. There are few people who could capture something so fundamental so perfectly.
As this cycle of posts ends it is to be hoped that visitors to the site have been encouraged to explore the delights of Tales of FiNiN. If, however, a little more of a nudge is needed, then try this ...
And, just to prove the underlying belief here at YHO that there is always something new to learn, here's a little bit of Julie I really was unaware of. You have John Reed to thank for this ...

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